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On September 30, 2002 I checked my daylilies to find one of the new daylilies showing signs of daylily rust. That is the first rust we have seen on our grounds. I have been checking the daylily beds at least twice a week and sometimes more often. The daylily is isolated [see pictures below] and so far has not infected even the daylilies next to it in the same bed. I have cut all the plants in that bed to the ground and have begun to spray them again. I sprayed all new daylilies all spring and summer but stopped spraying in August. The daylily that is infected with rust has *not* been through our Zone 5 winter. It was bought from a seller in Florida.
The daylilies in the area where rust was found have *never* been sold to any customers. Sale beds are at least, and probably more than, 100 yards from the isolation bed. I can't emphasize enough that daylilies sold previously have not been exposed to daylily rust disease that is now showing on one daylily.
Last Updated September 30, 2002