Recycled aluminum plant tags
Created by Willow Brook Acres

© Willow Brook Acres 2004 

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Make useful and durable aluminum garden plant tags out of discarded aluminum beverage cans.  Save the pull tab to send to your local Ronald McDonald House Charity.  These plant tags are soft so that the plant name is embossed into the aluminum tag with a only a ball point pen.  The name will never fade.  

**CLICK HERE for information about the RMHC pop tab program.**

Last Updated May 08, 2004


* Materials [pic. 1]

Empty aluminum beverage can
Wire hanger
Utility scissors 
Needle nose pliers/wire cutter

*Begin your cut as shown in pic.#2  This is the hardest cut.

* Cut the can...

 *First down  one side.
 *Next around the bottom 
 *Then the top

* Fold the aluminum sheet... 

* In half and then each in half again until you have 4 sections. [pic. 5] Work each section back and forth to separate. Or cut with utility scissors.
* Fold the long edge of  one piece, shiny side out, to within 1/8'' of the top edge, then fold over and crimp along the edge. [pic. 6]
* Fold the ends over and crimp.  It should  now resemble a wrapped stick of gum.


* You have made the tag
[but we aren't quite finished.]  

*Untwist the wire hanger and straighten. 
*Cut into 8 1/2'' lengths with the side cutter of the pliers. [pic.7]
* Twist one end of the wire into a C shape. [pic.8]


* Now

*Punch a hole in one end of the tag using an ice pick or any sharp round tool.
*Put the C shaped wire end through the hole then close the loop with the pliars.

* Finish...

*By writing the name of your plant on the tag with a ball point pen.  Press hard so the name will emboss into the metal.
*Push the end of the wire into the ground next to your plant.

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